- 高级互交系(AIL) Advanced intercross line (AIL)
- 不仅A而且 not merely A but also B
- 我们还要感谢Pascal Le Bail提供有关从USB内存盘上启动的相关信息。 We have to thank Pascal Le Bail for useful information about booting from USB memory sticks.
- 介绍了 E- m ail的地址知识、发送的操作技巧及多项服务功能。 The paper introduces the E-mail address knowledge,the operation technique of sending and other service functions.
- 与其说A不如说 not so much A as B
- A股 A-share
- Bail Organa会驾驶他的飞车出现在一个场景中,这个场景的空气被加上了风的特效。这里Bail也会使用他腕部的通讯器。 Bail Organa will be in his speeder with wind effects adding to the atmosphere of the scene. Bail will also use his wrist comlink in the scene.
- 5月15日,AOL与索尼达成了一项交易,允许索尼在PlayStion2下一代产品中安装AOL的e-ail和即时短消息收发软件。 On May 15, AOL struck a deal with Sony to include its e-mail and instant messaging programs in the next version of PlayStation 2.
- 把A误以为 take A for B
- 维生素A vitamin(e)
- 博客是继E-m ail、BBS和即时通讯(ICQ、QQ、MSN等网络寻呼工具)之后的第四种网络交流方式,是互联网为个人提供发布个人日志的交流平台。 Blog is the fourth kind of network exchange way after E-mail ,BBS and instant communication(such NetBP as ICQ,QQ,MSN,etc). It is the exchange platform of releasing personal log which is provided by the Internet.
- 把A视为 looked upon A as B
- 双酚A bisphenol A
- A型 A Mode; A-form
- 把A比喻 compare A to B
- 把A换成 exchange A for B
- 我得了一个A-。 I got an A minus.
- 色氨酸合成酶A蛋白质 tryptophan synthetase A protein
- 把A误认为 mistake A for B
- 宁愿A而不愿 prefer A to B